How it works
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Thank to you, families can now shop
for Yom Tov, in a respectable and dignified manner
With the Yid-to-Yid platform,
of your donation is delivered to your chosen family instantly, seamlessly and with dignity.
Here’s how we do it
Families apply
Families can apply to the Yid to Yid platform through their local neighborhood Kupot. The Kupot apply a rigorous vetting process and select families that truly need help with procuring Yom Tov essentials. These families are given a “Yom Tov Card”, redeemable at various supermarket chains across Israel.
Donors Donate
Each family is assigned a donation amount based on various considerations, including number of children, medical expenses, etc.... Select a family and donate.
Families go shopping!
Once your payment has been processed, your chosen family will be notified that their Yom Tov Card has been credited with 100% of your donation amount.
Yid to Yid does not charge any fees to cover our overhead. Because of your generosity, your chosen family can now shop for Yom Tov with peace of mind in a respectable and dignified manner!
Why it is needed
The people behind this platform have deep knowledge and connections with many neighborhoods’ Kuppos Tzedaka (community charity funds) throughout Israel. The mission of these Kuppos is to provide financial support to local neighborhood families requiring financial assistance. Unfortunately, many of these Kuppos are inundated with requests for help and do not maintain sufficient funds to provide for all the needy families within their communities.
This shortfall is felt especially hard during the Yom Tov season when expenses run much higher than usual.
The purpose of this platform is to connect donors to provide assistance to those families who have not received any financial support from their local Kuppos, or otherwise.
This platform has a two-step verification process of the families. First, the local Kuppos Tzedakah, who have the local infrastructure to fully vet and verify all their local recipients, submit to our platform lists of fully vetted families who are seeking for assistance for Yom Tov.
Next, the families are sent an additional financial assistance application form where they are required to fill out their personal financial details (such as number of children, income, medical issues, etc.)